
Thursday, 21 September 2017

Last Day Of Whiz Kids

Today was the last day of Whiz Kids and for our experiment we had to make was a Parachute. It worked well everyone had a go at letting go of there Parachute's and looking if they would actually work and everything was a success everyone's Parachutes worked. 
This is a photo of the students that were in Whiz Kids. 


Today we had to make a blog post and show the steps by step on how to make an excellent blog post. Here is my Cybersmart work. 

Thursday, 7 September 2017


Today in PB4L our teacher gave us a piece of paper and it had our school values in each box. Miss Tupou asked us if we had any thoughts of what we should write on the top of the paper, and when we told her 6 ideas she then wrote it on the piece of paper and placed it on our tables. We looked at the paper and she said we had to write down how we show our school values in these places. Like for example if we had talking on our piece of paper then we had to write down how we show Fun,Integrity,Respect and Excellence when were talking. She had 6 pieces of paper at different stations and we spent 2 minutes writing our ideas down and rotating to the next.